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Ecommerce fulfillment makes it possible for small businesses to take advantage of the large distribution networks that much bigger businesses have. By using a complex distribution system that is already up and running small Web based businesses can stay competitive in their industries and compete with bigger businesses more effectively.
The biggest advantage that large businesses have over small businesses is their ability to get products out to customers quickly and cheaply, so when a small business signs up with an ecommerce fulfillment company that has a large distribution network already built that small business levels the playing field and negates any advantage that larger businesses have.
Creating a fully functional distribution system can be nearly impossible for a small business that doesn’t have a huge cash reserve. Not only do you need to find appropriate warehouse space, hire staff to assemble and pack orders, and hire customer service staff you also need to build relationships with major shipping carriers to get the same discounts and deals that fulfillment companies and large businesses get. Good relationships with other companies can take years to build and in the meantime you can end up paying a lot more for shipping than you need to pay.
Hiring an ecommerce fulfillment company doesn’t cost as much as you might think, usually it’s just a small percentage of each sale that you make. For that fee you get access to well trained staff who can assemble and pack orders, customer service staff who will help your customers online or on the phone when they have questions or need help placing an order, and access to the special pricing that large companies get from major shipping carriers based on the huge volume of items that are shipped from the fulfillment center. You will also get as much climate controlled storage space as you need for your products.
Working with an ecommerce fulfillment company is that most cost effective way for small businesses to get access to the large distribution network they need to stay competitive without draining their cash reserves building and maintaining an in house distribution system. Competing with bigger businesses is possible for small businesses who use fulfillment services to make the most of the operating budget they have. If you want to take your Web based business to the next level contact an ecommerce fulfillment specialist today to find out more about the great distribution infrastructure that fulfillment companies can offer to small businesses all over the world.