Image by ktpupp via Flickr
Ask any business owner, especially a small business owner, what two things they never have enough of and chances are they will say “time” and “money”. Running a business takes up a lot of time and sometimes small details, like sending out a holiday gift or a thank you gift, get forgotten. Unfortunately the people who are supposed to receive those gifts won’t forget, and not sending a follow up gift or a holiday gift to a business contact who helped you get ahead or to a client that has done a lot of business with your company can end up costing you a lot of money in the future.
In the past most business owners had administrative staff members who would make sure that gifts got sent on time and that the gifts that were sent were appropriate for the client or contact the gift was being sent to. But now, many businesses have made deep cuts in their office staff and business owners may no longer have a helpful assistant to make sure that gifts are sent when they should be. Gift management can replace your assistant and make sure that your important clients and contacts get the gifts they will be expecting. The fulfillment center staff will take the place of your own staff and make sure that the gifts that are sent are professionally packaged and designed to have a polished, professional look.
When you sign up for a gift management service the gifts that you choose are sent by a fulfillment company to your clients and contacts. The fulfillment center processes the gift, packs it, and hands it over to a shipping company to be delivered. You can often arrange for these deliveries up to a year in advance so you can sit down, order the gifts you need, and arrange to them sent all in one afternoon. Then on the date that you have chosen all of the gifts will be sent so that even if you get swamped by orders or are super busy you don’t have to worry because the gift management company will make sure the orders are sent. The cost of using gift management is very reasonable and many fulfillment houses offer bulk discounts when you purchase a large number of gifts to be sent. You can even have gifts sent for birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other events using gift management.