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One of the most important keys to a success business is having a logistics management plan that addresses the needs of the most important people, the customers. Whether your company is in the production business or is a middle man in the sale of supplies or raw products, there is still a need to cater to the needs of your customers.
The customers are always the main basis of any business and as such, you need to make sure your logistics management plan focuses on them before anything else. That means the order fulfillment process must address issues of prompt shipping and delivery as well as delivering products in usable condition.
Even for companies that outsource their logistics management functions there is a need to have a logistics management plan. Why is this necessary if you are turning that function over to a third party?
It is still necessary for your company to have a logistics management plan in force because you will need to have something to present to the outsourcing company. Remember, when you hire someone to handle the logistics management and supply chain management functions of your company, they are obligated to follow your terms–you are paying them, after all!
How can you be certain you have a good logistics management plan in force? One of the first things you want to consider is whether your customers are happy with the speed of delivery and condition of their products when they arrive. You can discover this information either by sending out periodic surveys or asking your customers directly if they are happy with the services they receive from your company. One thing you don’t want to do is wait until they complain to discover if they are happy–by that time they may be considering buying what they need from a competitor.
You should not only make certain you development a good logistics management plan but also review it periodically. Customers’ needs change throughout the year–and sometimes even the month–so it’s important to talk to your customers on a regular basis and review your logistics management plan periodically to make certain it coordinates well with your order fulfillment policies. Do not rely simply on return business from your customers; they may still be searching for a vendor that can provide better service but have not yet made the final move to do so.