Image by vancouverfilmschool via Flickr
In its simplest terms, management means the control, planning, staffing, execution and follow through of all aspects of any business operation. It’s a safe bet that not a day goes by without dealing with some form of management.
The goal with any successful business is that management should be seamless when it comes to satisfying your customer base. A satisfied customer means that management has been doing its job and a customer only really wants to see a manager when something goes wrong!
Management sets forth the plan for a business or industry. This plan takes into account the mission goal of that business and sets forth the best way to achieve those goals.
On some level, every business has the same objective: to be profitable. This will mean providing some form of service or goods to a customer. It falls to the duties of management to make sure there is a solid operation plan in effect. This means management is responsible not only for delivering that product, whatever it may be, but also facilitating the atmosphere to design, improve, market, sell and fulfill that product. That’s a lot of steps in a supply chain that needs management supervision.
After a business plan has been improved, it falls to management to find the professional and competent staff needed to bring those plans to life. As anyone will tell you, your staff is the front line of your business and are a direct representation of your company. Management not only needs to hire those qualified persons but also have the ability to make sure that are performing their duties to the best of their abilities. This will mean constant supervision and assessments. Even with the best of intentions, sometimes problems arise with a staff. It’s management’s role to step in and rectify those matters by making adjustments in staffing. The bottom line is that as good as management is in hiring someone, they have to be as equally good in firing them.
Management is also responsible for the promotion and fulfillment of the company’s products. This means developing an effective marketing campaign in order to attract customers. Once a customer has become interested in purchasing a product, management has to make sure that product makes it into the customer’s hands in the most cost effective and timely manner.
All of these elements that contribute to success put a lot of responsibilities on the shoulders of managers. That’s why a management team becomes a cornerstone to success. Sharing the responsibilities and delegating the work to a fulfillment company can insure that any management team is working under the best possible conditions for a company’s success.