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While the concept of logistics management has been around for centuries, the changes in technology make it necessary for companies to change with the times. As new technology makes its way into each market, it becomes necessary for companies to adjust the way they handle supply chain management.
For instance, before computers became such an important part of the fulfillment process, it was necessary for warehouse personnel to manually count every product as it came in from suppliers or off the production line and as it went out to the customers. These changes in logistics management techniques have made it possible for customers to receive their products quicker thus reducing the turnaround time for receipt of goods.
While there have been many new automated processes taking place with logistics management, the need for manual processes still exists. In order to ascertain a perfect balance between incoming and outgoing goods, companies still need to maintain a manual process for inventory management. It is unlikely there will ever come a time when logistics management can rely completely on the automated system because there will always be exceptions; any time there is an automated system there is always a chance for error. Unless a company maintains both an automated and manual back up system, they stand the chance that order fulfillment processes will fail, meaning customers will not receive their orders in a timely fashion.
Logistics management is one of the most important functions of any company. Combined with inventory management, logistics management is the backbone of any company because without these two functions customers would not receive products in a timely fashion if at all. It is not just those in production environments that need to have excellent logistics management but even those companies who are the suppliers for other users of products such as retail stores that order products from a wholesaler.
What can we expect in the future for logistics management? There will be more advances within the automation of these functions, but it will still be necessary to also maintain a manual system of logistics management within every company. It is ludicrous to think we will ever reach a period when equipment will be so perfect we will not need to have to resort to any manual systems. As long as there are automated systems, there is always a potential for failure even if it is only because of a power failure.