Is there a secret formula, silver bullet path to better business operations? Can you reduce operating costs while still expanding your profit margin? Is there an easier way to build a better reputation among your customer base? The answer to all these questions is a resounding “Yes.” Outsourced order fulfillment brings your home-based, brick and mortar, or ecommerce enterprise to a whole new level. A fulfillment company can give you the resources you need while making your day to day operations much easier. When you sign up for service with an order fulfillment company you get a lot more than you think. You get:
You Get More Storage Space
By outsourcing to an independent logistics management company you give your business the strength and flexibility of the provider’s climate controlled, electronically secure warehousing and processing facilities. Rather than have product inventory shipped to your own warehouse the deliveries are routed there for faster product processing and shipment.
You Get a Trained Warehouse Staff
The logistics management company also provides a fully-trained and efficiency-minded staff to operate the warehouse and its processing department. You save on hiring and payroll costs, as well as on training costs for your employees. The fulfillment company assumes control of all those expenses as part of its outsourcing agreement.
You Get Expert Shipping
You can rely on the order fulfillment company to make sure that every product shipped does so securely packaged and ready for the trip to its final delivery destination. Many companies even provide tracking numbers for each shipped product, so you and the customer can follow its progress.
You Can Develop Your Business’ Front End
With the back end of your business successfully outsourced to your logistics experts, you’ll have more time to devote to the front end, including working on public relations, advertising, marketing, and other promotional goals that would have been impossible beforehand. You’ll also have the money to pursue those goals at a much more aggressive pace.
You Can Develop Your Business’ Website
With so much more time on you hands, your brick and mortar business can explore the potential of the ecommerce marketplace. Alternately, fulfillment service companies offer their complete range of services to online-based businesses, as well.
You’ll Have More Time Of Your Own
You can use the extra time however you wish, relaxing or re-investing back into building your business.