Image by hfabulous via Flickr
One of the most important functions of logistics management is to make certain you choose quality shipping services for freight shipping. It doesn’t matter how quality-driven your company is when it comes to the products you produce; if you are unable to provide high quality shipping services for those products, you will soon lose those customers to competitors who are able to provide the services you cannot or will not. Always keep in mind your customers are the heart of your business; without people to buy your products there will be no need for your company to be in business.
Once you understand the importance of shipping services, you need to make the effort to choose a transport company that is able and willing to provide the best delivery options for your customers. Order fulfillment is important to not only your company but also your customers, so your choice of a shipping company is a very important decision. With so many different options from which to choose, it can sometimes be difficult to know which choice to make. This often leads companies into making a decision based solely on pricing, a decision which can be fatal for the future of your company’s profitability.
In order to choose the right shipping company you need to take the time to do some research on different shipping services. Before you can even do that you want to analyze the needs of your customers in terms of turn around time. You want to be able to maintain the same quality of service your customers expect, so even if you are switching from providing in house shipping services to contracting them with a transport company, you have to make certain you can still meet the needs of your customers.
The combination of order fulfillment and shipping services are the entire basis of your company’s profitability. You cannot separate the two of them; they must work together. Therefore, it is essential to make sure you are able to provide freight shipping that does not create any inconvenience for your customers. If they are used to be able to place their orders and receive delivery within 48 hours after production, you must be able to maintain the same high quality standard when you choose a different shipping method. Your customers will not accept that you have changed to another shipping company and can no longer provide delivery as quickly as you have been able to do previously.