Image by Rennett Stowe via Flickr
One of the most important functions of any company besides production is transport logistics. It is essential for fulfillment services to include prompt delivery to customers; anything less will not meet the needs of the customers. In order to assure prompt delivery to customers a company must ensure their transport logistics functions are top notch.
This doesn’t mean they must hire in house staff in order to ensure quality services, but it does mean the company must assume the responsibility for choosing contractors that understand the needs of the customers and are willing to go the extra mile to meet those needs.
Those companies who are looking to contract transport logistics services need to be very selective about the companies they hire. Even when you are trying to cut costs it is not a good idea to make a selection based only on cost factors. While the economy currently has everyone looking to cut costs, it is also important to remember if cutting costs reduces the quality of transport logistics functions, you run the risk of losing customers to your competitors who are in a better position to meet any delivery requirements the customers have.
Is there a good way to know which contractors can provide the type of transport logistics time schedules your customers require? One of the best ways to find the answer to that question is to visit with the trucking firm or fulfillment company you are considering and grasp a feel for the way they operate. Some companies like to make deliveries to certain areas only on certain days of the week; if this is not workable for your customer base you want to make this clear and allow the company to determine if they are willing to compromise.
When you choose the best transport logistics system available you can be certain it will pay for itself in increased sales. Whether you are handling it from the inside or hiring a trucking firm or fulfillment center is of little relevance. The important thing is to hire either staff or a company that is reliable and has the same mission as you do: to provide excellent and efficient transport logistics services. Always keep in mind even if you outsource those functions you are paying the bill, so you should be able to make the decisions concerning when your customers can expect delivery of their orders.