Image by alaskaval via Flickr
Any person within a company’s logistic management structure, whether management or otherwise, should take the time to learn the entire logistics management process. It is essential to remember that many times the management personnel are not on the “front lines” and as such do not always know what is happening with customers and the order fulfillment process. The ones who really know what is happening are those who are directly involved in not only logistics management but the entire supply chain management circle.
Though many companies don’t see the need to train everyone in the logistics management process, they could not make a bigger mistake. What happens is when the person in charge is out whether on vacation, sick leave, or just to run errands, there is a breakdown in the process because no one else knows how to do the job. Maybe the person in charge of supply chain management might know, but at the same time, that leaves other people to do double duty. Why do companies feel it is wrong to have someone else who knows the entire logistics management process? Do these managers feel threatened by the possibility one of their subordinates might be able to do their job better than they can?
One of the most important things a good manager should do whether it’s in logistics management or another area is to ascertain there are people who can fill in when he or she is unavailable to do so. It doesn’t mean others have to know all of the functions of the jobs; however, someone else should know enough so the primary work can be accomplished whether they are there are not. Does someone else know how to input shipments to customers? Transfers from one department to another? Run reports of the daily shipments and transfers? Track inventory and check supply levels? While some of the functions may overlap with supply chain management, and with smaller companies that two areas may actually function as one, it is still necessary for departments to have backup plans.
If you are involved in logistics management, you need to look closely at what you do and make sure someone else is able to take over for you when you are out. The logistics management operation should not have to stop if the manager is out of the office; that is one of the easiest ways to lose business and thus reduce the company’s profit margin.